What types of hebes are there?


Hebes have been an incredibly popular type of plant throughout the entire UK. Hebes look beautiful, are versatile, easy to care for and have evergreen foliage, making them look gorgeous all year long. They come in many different shapes and sizes, and picking out the right one for your garden can be quite difficult. That’s why Garden Beauty has put together a list of hebes that suit your different needs best.

Hardy Hebes

You probably live in a place where temperatures drop considerably during wintertime. This means cultivating a pretty garden near you is best done using plant species that can stand the test of time and temperature. Hebes are a great option if you’re looking for nice outdoor plants since they’re evergreen and easy to care for. A good rule of thumb when it comes to choosing the hardiest hebes is to pick the ones with white flowers since they’re usually a bit more cold-resistant than their purple-flowered cousins. Good examples of hardy hebe varieties include the Hebe Albicans, the Hebe Baby Marie and the Hebe Boughton Silver.

White hebe - Garden Beauty

Small Hebes

Different hebe varieties vary greatly in size. This means different kinds of hebes suit different gardens. Depending on how much room you have to spare, it might be smart to opt for a smaller hebe. Hebes are native to different parts of the world, but those native to the Alps are usually the smallest ones. Most of them can easily fit into a pot and make for great perennial border shrubs. While some of them get smothered in beautiful dainty flowers each year, others simply stay green. Good examples of smaller hebes are the Hebe Youngii and the Hebe Buxifolia Nana. The possibilities are endless!

Hebe - Garden Beauty

Large Hebes

Most hebes grow to a size between about 20 and 40 inches tall, varying in width. However, some hebe species tend to grow even bigger than that. The H.Macrocarpa Latisepala for example can grow up to 79 inches in height, followed by the Hebe “Blue Gem” that grows up to 59 inches tall. Hebes like these are perfect for the creation of a hedge, providing privacy and safety.

Hebe Blue Gem - Garden Beauty

Choose your favourite hebes

Now that you’ve gotten a grasp of the many possibilities hebes provide for your garden, it’s time to choose your favourite type! Do you like the large and extravagant Blue Gem, or would you prefer the smaller and hardier Hebe Albicans? It’s up to you! We invite you to take a look at their elaborate range of hebes, all waiting to be planted in your garden!

Check our range of hebes

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